Wow, I sure miss blogging? Why do I let it get SO far behind??? Where to start?
How about the wedding on October 10th? Jake and Iddy were married that day and everything turned out SO beautiful!! I will share photos with you all.
The church was decorated so beautifully by Iddy's aunt and grandma. They did such an amazing job with everything. Iddy was an absolutely GORGEOUS bride!! Jake had such a look of love on his face when he saw his bride in her gown. She wasn't even nervous! She had been waiting for this day for a long time and she was so ready, as was Jake. I did pretty well until they showed the slide show photos of them through the years. Jake's cousin did a great job with that presentation. That's when I started to cry...and just typing this out makes me tear up too. There was so many people who came to share this special day with them. I want to thank all who showed up to show their love and support for Jake and Iddy. It meant so much to them and their families. It turned out exactly like they had envisioned, which was so cool. I had a gift for Iddy, which I gave her while she was getting ready. It was a diamond necklace in the shape of musical notes. I hope she likes it. It was my "welcome to the family" gift. I had a speech prepared to tell her when I gave it to her, but I was having a hard time saying what I wanted to say, as I was fighting back tears.
Here are some photos of the wedding.
This is my 3 sons and precious grandson - aren't they a handsome bunch? The good-looking one in the middle was the groom, Jake aka JakeBaby ;)
This was the decorated church.
Elizabeth and me prior to the ceremony
Jake and me prior to the ceremony
Jake seeing Iddy for the first time in her dress
Their first dance as husband and wife
Being toasted by Iddy's sister
Running the gauntlet (we all had bubbles to blow for them to run through)
The sign I made for the back of my car they used for their honeymoon
I hope you enjoyed the photos. They spent their first night as husband and wife at the new hotel, Le Rivage, on the Sacramento River. They then spent their 2nd night at their new house for the first time (Jake had moved in about 10 days earlier, but Iddy didn't move her stuff in until the day before the wedding, and didn't stay there until the night after the wedding). On Monday they headed to Monterey for the week. They really had a great time and they both love Monterey. They bought the house they are living in now but escrow didn't close until December 11th (2 days after Jake's 23rd birthday). They had to wait for the people who owned the house to own it for 91 days before they could buy it due to the "No Flip" rule FHA has, so they rented it for 2 months but now they own it. They both lived at home until they got married and then moved into together in their own home! They have sure been blessed by doing everything right. I am so proud of them!
Well, I hope to write more later....maybe finish up the year before the new year gets too far along lol.
Thanks for reading!!