Tonight is the night....that Jake proposes to his girlfriend, Elizabeth. He has it all planned out! Tonight is her senior recital. I made the invitations for this event but can't remember if I shared them with you all or not, so I'll attach them in this email.
Her Senior Recital is composed of a broad spectrum of songs....religious, Broadway, Jazz, Opera, etc. She is giving a 45 minutes concert. Most of her songs will be accompanied by a pianist, but on one song, Father's Legacy, her sister is singing harmony (her sister also wrote the song) and Jake is accompanying her on the guitar. After her last song Jake will come out on the stage with a beautiful bouquet of flowers - a few stargazer lilies, a white coronation lily (lilies are her favorite flower and pink her favorite color), deep pink carnation, some heather, a couple of delicate pink roses and pink and white snapdragons. That was my job - to get the flowers. I think I did ok....the gal who was doing the arranging really did a nice job putting it all together. My other job is to bring the flowers to the performance along with the ring. Jake is going to present her with the flowers....and then drop down to one knee and present her with the ring and ask her to be his wife. I'm very excited!! I am bringing all my digital cameras, SLR camera, Flip Video AND movie camera...and my tripod ... and my gorillapod too! :)
And here is the post I sent AFTER the recital:
The evening went great!! I ended up going alone and that really sucked (Last night Patrick climbed up the "miff" tree and he hasn't come down yet! lol) because I could have used help manning the cameras. I was so worried about my 2 videos that I didn't get any still shots of him proposing :(. She started out singing "I'll Be Seeing You" and then sang "I Have Dreamed". She then moved to classical music ... "Wohin?" and "How Beautiful", then she sang "For Good" as a duet with one of her best friends, Robin, and then she sang "Reflection". Then her sister, Estora, came onto stage to sing harmony with her on the song "Father's Legacy" and Jake was her guitarist. It was his first time playing in public and he rocked it!! Estora wrote the song as well. Just before she sang the song, Elizabeth told how special it was to her because her theme for the Recital was "Identity", her sister had wrote it AND her boyfriend was playing guitar. That was very sweet. After that she sang 2 more classical songs "Duh Bist Vie Eine Blume" and Deh Vieni Non Tardar". Her last song was "Girl in 14G". She did an excellent job on that one!! Jake had told me to be ready to pass off the flowers and the ring after "Girl in 14G". While the pastor was saying the prayer he came over and grabbed the stuff and quietly went on stage. He presented Elizabeth with the flowers (after the prayer of course) and then took the microphone and said how proud he was of her and that he loved her. He then looked at the audience and told them he wanted to invite them all to one more event - their wedding. He then dropped to one knee (And the whole audience went "AHHHHHHHHHHH" lol) and asked her to marry him. She was quite stunned!! AND SHE SAID YES!!! :). Everyone crowded around her and had to see the ring :). It really does sparkly so beautifully!! Her mom really loved it, too. She was telling me how Jake was exactly what she had been praying for her daughter since Elizabeth was a little girl.
The pictures are of Elizabeth singing, and the one with her sister and Jake. There is one of me and Jake, Jake on his knees proposing and one of the 2 of them taken just a bit later that night. Her grandparents, aunt & uncle and their kids an her biological father all drove in from Montana to be there, which I thought was great. she's not had much contact with her biological dad over the years but has been close to her grandparents. Her mom married her stepdad when she was about 3 or 4 years old and she considers Ron to be her real dad, not Chris. Ron is the one Jake asked permission to marry Elizabeth, not Chris.

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